Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why Can't I Feel My Feet Anymore? Is This Tingling Normal??

Is this hell or purgatory? Neither! It's that cool, 3-D sidewalk artist, drawing on the floor of the LA Convention Center!

This is the Revolution that Wii Needed:
So we get to West Hall today and made a mad dash for the Nintendo booth....only to be greeted by a line a quarter of a mile long. Everyone in the line had something in common apart from the smug look on their faces. They all had exhibitor badges that had allowed them to enter West Hall earlier than everyone else. Therefore, getting in line before us. Thankfully the wait was only about an hour and a half until we got to penetrate Nintendo's fortress of Wii. For some reason Nintendo has encapsulated their show area to a large closed off circle. Some speculated that the reason for this segregation was due to the fact that Nintendo didn't want their system to be juxtaposed side-by-side with the other next gen systems that clearly have better graphics. But whatever their reason was, they can breathe a sigh of relief becuase Nintendo has made one amazingly fun system. I played everything from a tennis game to a horse-racing game, all of which utilized the Wii controller's motion-sensitive movement controls. It was surprisingly intuitive, even when being played for the first time. I even got to play the Virtual Console, which is the emulator function of the Wii that lets you download games from classic consoles for play on the Wii. The "classic" controller used for the Virtual Console looked like a revised version of the SNES controller. It will be sold separately as the Wii will ship with the Nunchuk style controller. I played Super Mario Bros (NES), Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis), and Super Mario World (SNES). I must say that although the games played perfectly, we noticed that the graphics were a bit blocky around the edges. Indicating that the Wii was not using any filters to smoothen out the edges. Hopefully they will fix this as it would be a shame for the Wii to underperform in an area where emulators like MAME have already excelled. If anyone uses emulators on their computer or hacked XBOX, they know that one of the reasons they look so good is due to the filters that these emulators employ. Either way, this is a small gripe and is something that I am sure Nintendo will ameliorate in the near future. The next gen Mario, Zelda, and Metroid all looked great and felt much more different from their Gamecube counterparts.

I cannot stress this enough: Do NOT judge these games before playing them.

Okay, that's all for tonight. Tomorrow is the last day and I have to recharge myself one last time before the show.

Celebrity sighting: Kristin Holt of G4's Cheat! Addendum: Tony Hawk was there yesterday, I just forgot to add him. Oddly enough, so was that famous bulldog that can skateboard. He was there doing a promotion for Mountain Dew (the dog not Tony Hawk). No, I'm not kidding.


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