Tuesday, June 07, 2011

E3 2011 The First Day of The Next Revolution

So, what revolution am I talking about?  Simply put, the fact that Nintendo has decided to go against the grain (again), and release a system that redefines the videogame genre, and Sony's newest response, via their PS Vita handheld.  First of all, there is Nintendo's newest home system, the Wii U.  Here's a quick look at the controller:

Yes, that giant (yet, surprisingly light) tablet is the system's controller!  It even has a stylus, that may be used, depending on the situation you're in.  The controller has an onboard, rechargeable battery, and a 6.2" screen that displays in the 16:9 (Widescreen) format.

The system is backwards compatible with all of your "old" Wii games, and all of the Wii's peripherals!  So don't go throwing those balance boards away just yet.  Now, let's take a look at the system itself:

Still pretty small, huh?  They placed it in a mock entertainment center, and I'm sure the coffee-table, artbooks were placed strategically, to make the Wii U look even more diminutive.  But quite honestly, it's as powerful as a XBOX 360 or PS3, but is quite a bit smaller than the two aforementioned consoles.  Here's one final look at their whole mock-up.

Okay, I'll stand in line to get more up-close and personal with the Wii U tomorrow, so stay tuned.  Now for some news on the Sony front.

Sony has announced their new handheld called, the Playstation Vita.  The PS Vita is a nice piece of hardware, as we would have expected from Sony.  It features two analog joysticks, and even has a touchpad on the back of it!  However, my favorite concept was that of "Transfarring."  No, I didn't misspell that.  Using this new system, PlayStation players can have one "save" that works with both their PS3 and PSP copies of certain games.  Hideo Kojima, the man behind the Metal Gear series, announced Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as the first (and so far only) Transfarring capable title. So you can start a game at home, on your PS3, "transfar" the save to your PSP, and play the exact same game on the go.  Yes, you read correctly, the handheld version will be just as nice as the version you were playing at home.  Nothing is watered down!

Capcom had a lovely 30 minute video that showcased their newest games.  Unfortunately, they did not allow pictures or video to be taken, so I'll just have to give you a quick verbal rundown.

Street Fighter X Tekken:  the "X" is pronounced "Cross," by the way.  This game is being produced by former Street Fighter alumnus, Yoshinori Ono, so you know its gameplay will in no way be lackluster.  There was also a special character that was revealed, strictly for the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game, Infamous' Cole MacGrath!  Very interesting...

Devil May Cry:  Yeah, we don't know the full name of this game just yet.  However, it seemed to be a prequel of sorts, that shows how Dante, became Dante.  The graphics looked lush, and pretty.  Hopefully, it will live up to the storied franchise.  The trailer showed Dante walking through a normal, modern world.  Only to show that the world that he (we?) are inhabiting is all a facade.

Resident Evil:  Revelations:  This is a Nintendo 3DS game, and it looked quite creepy.  Much of this game is underwater, as the zombies have overtaken a cruise ship.  There were these freaky looking creatures that looked like a cross between a dolphin and an arachnid.  The video I saw, showed the protagonist using a type of concussive grenade, that emits a loud supersonic sound that hurts the aformentioned creatures.  Also, when those freaky, aqua-zombies die....they make a piercing dolphin-like squeal that was truly unnerving.  I can't wait to play this disturbing game myself!

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record:  Before you "harumph" that you've already played DR2, this game takes the main character, Frank West, and places him in a "reinterpretation" of the events in the original DR2.  In this game, Frank, decides to go to an amusement park named Uranus Zone.  That's where the fun begins, and the rectal innuendos don't end!  This amusement park is fully interactive, and anything in it can be used to kill our zombie friends.  There's even a laser-enabled helmet that can zap them to pieces.  You can drive a clown car, that has a rear end on its rear end (the exhaust comes out of the....never mind...I'll let you see it for yourself, when the game drops) and run over the undead.  You can even pose with a zombie, and snap a pic of yourselves together for bonus points (and laughs)!  Very weird stuff, but it looked fun as hell.

Asura's Wrath:  Finally, we have this game that I would describe as an Asian-inspired, God of War.  Sadly, I feel most gamers will overlook this title, as its theme seems a bit unorthodox.  The storyline is pulled from Asian mythology and religion.  You will see giant mecha-Buddhas, and lots of hacking and slashing.  The main character, Asura, has a "rage meter" that can be filled, in order to have him grow extra arms, with which he can pummel his enemies even more proficiently.  Visually it was very enticing, I just hope that the gameplay matches its visuals and unique theme.

Well, that's all for the first day.  I will be standing in the infamously long Nintendo line tomorrow, so that I can get you some more hands-on impressions of the Wii U's game line-up.  Until then, sleep tight and pleasant dreams.

Celebrity sightings:  T-Pain, Hulk Hogan, and famous British chat-show host Jonathan Ross.



Blogger JonSolo42 said...

Wow, you got to check out the WiiU, awesome! I really think Nintendo will deliver on the promise of the new system. And for now, it's more promise than actual substance, but I think they're going in the right direction, at least where my gaming dollar (or £!) is concerned.

Looking forward to tomorrow's post, dude!

PS Vita-- and it sounds like Sony is heading in the right direction as well. I'm especially surprised that the price was relatively low, in direct competition with the 3DS, I think, at $250(wifi only)/$300(+3G)? Cracking news for gadget fiends like myself. I'm still feeling a little reserved over my overzealous Nintendo purchase, but I think Sony has taken their lumps and have learned some lessons (hopefully).

Asura's Wrath: I loved the video of the god(?) growing bigger than a planet and the protagonist facing off against the tip of the god's finger! Brilliant stuff. It would be a shame if it got overlooked, as I'm loving the aesthetic.

Again, looking forward to tomorrow's post. A prayer for your tired feet!

1:42 AM  
Blogger Mehrdad said...

Nintendo is definitely doing things right with the Wii U. It just opens up so many possibilities for gameplay.

PS Vita has thrown enough haymaker punches to scare Nintendo in the handheld war. Things just got VERY interesting in this sector. Especially, since the 3DS is region-locked and the PS Vita probably won't be.

Yes, Asura's Wrath is a feast for the eyes. I kept telling my friend Phil about it today, as he is a HUGE God of War fan. Hopefully, him and others will catch on to this great title, so that it gets the attention that it deserves.

Thanks for your prayers. My feet feel better already! :P

1:14 AM  

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